Understanding Essential Elements In The Event Infrastructure

Event Infrastructure: The name indicates, event infrastructure includes those essential elements with out which there cannot be any event. These essential elements are core concept, core people, core talent, and core structure. The nature of this infrastructure varies with the event categories and variations in events.

Core Concepts: Core Concepts is a terms that can be used to define the fundamental underlying ethos and evolution of the various major categories of events. That is, what differentiates and demarcates the boundaries between the various categories amongst themselves. The core concepts of an event is like a root of a tree that generates the energy and lays down the base for the type of tree that shall grow. The exact size and shape that the tree varies from tree to tree in the family. Thus, an entire event family can be built on each of the event categories . These differences lead to innumerable variations in events.


Core People: These are the people who are performing, acting participating in the process of influencing the audience to create a desired impact in terms of a favorable position for the clients brand in the audience mind. When the event gets underway, these are the people who hold way and take the center stage audience comes to experience the expertise, charisma or knowledge of such core people and to have an opportunity to interact with them. The personality of the core people being used in an event should match the brand personality.


Core Talent: With every event category, the people are required to have a specific expertise, reputation, or knowledge. It is the core talent that attracts and influences the audience. In a music concert, the types of audience that are attracted to the event depend on the talent of the performer. The core talent, therefore helps in creating variations in any event category. For instance, in music whether the event is a classical music concert , depends on the type of time, constraints in terms of boundary, number of participants, etc.

The physical manifestations of these constraints that act as a challenge or obstacle vary from game to game and lead to the need for different talent required in playing each game. An example that can be cited here is in a competitive event such as sports, core talent is game specific, i.e. talent required in cricket differs from talent required to play basketball.

Core Structure: The presence of a formal or informal organization to manage the event category as a whole is important to make it lucrative from its marketing point of view. Depending upon the degree to which the event category is structured the requirement of a management and marketing of events may vary.

The more formal and structured it is, the more lucrative that event category becomes, since it becomes easier to manage and market. By more formal and structured, we mean that, there is a proper organization along with proper delegation of authority to carry out these roles. Depending on the stakes involved not only of the monies but also of national pride and identification of the event category by the ordinary citizen each of the categories has become structured to certain degree.

This organization for efficient management has been denoted as the core structure. Traditionally, across the world, competitive events have always been comprehensively administered right from the grass root level, i.e. Right from the schools with league matches at every level up to the international level. In fact, competitive events are the only category among all categories of events that have a strong and structured. Organization. Among competitive events, sporting events are the most organized and structured both nationally and internationally. Sports control bodies such as the ICC (international Cricket council) are examples of this. Such bodies not only carry out managerial functions and other administrative activities involved with the event but also focus on the member and player benefits during , and to an extent , after their playing tenure.

Target Audience: Target audience is the customer groups who form the focus of events. The actual event design varies with the demographic profile of the target audience as well as the number of targeted audience. It is from these criteria that the event gets it’s image and budget. Whether the event would be a mega – event or a theme party, which artist would perform or where the event is to be held etc. primarily depend on the target audience. Therefore, starting from the initial conceptualization to the carrying out of the event the entire process cognizably takes in to consideration the characteristics and the behavior of the target customer groups.

Every marketing activity is essentially customer based depending on the clients marketing requirements, as discussed earlier, event organizer decide the audience to be targeted . Based on the target audience as a common denominator, the event organizer can canvass for other clients who would like to associate with the event, thus events can also act as a converging ground for a associate with the event, thus events can also act as a converging ground for a diverse range of corporate with the same target audience, The costing of an event will also definitely vary with both the profile and number of audience being targeted.


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